Violin Instructor,
Sherry-Brener Ltd. Chicago, IL
17 years
Violin Instructor at Sherry-Brener Ltd. Downtown Chicago, IL while also maintaining a full time position as Assistant Store Manager. Resulting experience in sales, inventory, orders, website/social media and customer service.
Alexander Technique Teacher
August 2014 - June 2017
Completed my 3 year 1600 hour AmSAT certification at the ATTIC (Alexander Technique Training in Chicago). Chicago, IL
Trainer: Daria Okugawa
Served as assistant Teacher at the ATTIC (2017-18).
The Developing SelfÂ
New York, NY
March 2019
Completed "The Developing Self" Education Training Course.
A postgraduate course for certified Alexander Technique Teachers to introduce AT at the primary and secondary level. Devised and taught by Sue Merry MSTAT and Judith Kleinman MSTAT AGSM.
"Amy and I have been colleagues at Sherry-Brener as violin instructors since I started teaching there in 2012.
I have discovered in Amy, the most dedicated, well read and patient violin teacher I have ever met so far.
She has accumulated a very deep knowledge of the instrument thanks to her detailed sense of observation
and endless curiosity to learn about other pedagogues' methods and point of views.
I am convinced that her Alexander Technique degree offers her students the opportunity
to approach the violin in a healthier way than with most "schools" or "methods".
Music is a philosophy and even more generally a lifestyle.
Amy has a real understanding of this and is for that reason a wonderful teacher,
and from my perspective one of the most invaluable colleagues to consult as often as possible."
Stephanie Pielok ~
Violinist and Teacher
Chicago, IL